penalize|penalized|penalizes|penalizing in English

verb penalize (Amer.)

['pe·nal·ize || 'pɪːnəlaɪz]

punish, give a penalty; (Law) declare something or an action punishable by regulation or by a law (also penalise)

Use "penalize|penalized|penalizes|penalizing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "penalize|penalized|penalizes|penalizing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "penalize|penalized|penalizes|penalizing", or refer to the context using the word "penalize|penalized|penalizes|penalizing" in the English Dictionary.

1. Team members will be penalized for lateness.

2. Both bribers and Bribees may be penalized

3. Lateness will be penalized a draconian fashion.

4. 3 synonyms for Amerce: fine, mulct, penalize

5. How can a referee penalize a player?

6. Blinding attacks do not penalize creatures using Blindsight

7. 12 The House of Representatives voted to penalize him for ethics violations.

8. Why should I be penalized because of your sloppiness?

9. A globalized economy offers spectacular rewards to the skillful, but increasingly penalizes those without education.

10. Synonyms for Chastising include disciplinary, correctional, punitive, penal, corrective, penalising, penalizing, castigating, chastening and correcting

11. PENALIZE: a coat that is short or overall even.

12. The new law will penalize businesses that treat minorities unfairly.

13. Thus women continued to forgo having children rather than be penalized for fulfilling their biological role.

14. It would be unfair to penalize those without a job.

15. New laws will penalize firms that continue to pollute the environment.

16. The House of Representatives voted to penalize him for ethics violations.

17. The new law appears to penalize the poorest members of society.

18. Brazilian law also prohibits and penalizes other activities related to forced labour, including debt bondage.

19. Managers are held accountable for budget variances, and are rewarded/penalized accordingly.

20. The traditional model, it penalizes you for experimentation and failure, but it does not expect mastery.

21. Rain and snow do not penalize your Spot and Search checks.

22. The proposed energy taxes would unfairly penalize people living in rural areas.

23. Sometimes a strict regulation is indispensable to penalize unpunctuality due to the inertia of people.

24. The third character: It will not be guilty . How to penalize luxury officers?

25. When the Coalitional attack is detected, all the participating adversaries are penalized